Fly Control in Houses

Fly Control in Houses

Flies can be a nuisance in homes, spreading germs and making living spaces uncomfortable. Here are some effective ways to control and prevent flies indoors:

1. Keep Your Home Clean

  • Dispose of garbage regularly and keep trash bins covered.
  • Clean up food spills and crumbs immediately.
  • Wash dirty dishes and avoid leaving food exposed.

2. Use Natural Repellents

  • Place basil, mint, or lavender plants near windows to deter flies.
  • Make a vinegar trap by mixing apple cider vinegar and dish soap in a bowl.

3. Install Physical Barriers

  • Use window screens and door nets to prevent flies from entering.
  • Seal any cracks or gaps in walls, doors, and windows.

4. Try Commercial Solutions

  • Use fly paper or electric fly zappers to catch and kill flies.
  • Apply insecticides if necessary, but use them carefully to avoid harm to pets and people.

By maintaining cleanliness and using natural or commercial fly control methods, you can keep your home fly-free and more comfortable.

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